Translation between glue and Astropy data objects


The functionality described below is not yet available in a released version of glue.

Glue v0.16 and later includes functionality that make it easy to work with data container classes other than the default glue Data class, and the glue-astronomy plugin adds the ability to use native Astropy data classes. At this time, the following data classes are supported:

Working with these classes is described in Datasets and subsets below. In addition, this plugin defines ways for glue selections to be translated to Astropy regions, as described in Selection information.

Datasets and subsets

We will now take a look at how to use this functionality using Spectrum1D as an example, but the workflow is identical for the other data classes. To start off, we can create a Spectrum1D object to use as an example:

>>> from astropy import units as u
>>> from specutils import Spectrum1D
>>> spec = Spectrum1D([0.2, 0.3, 2.2, 0.3] * u.Jy,
...                   spectral_axis=[1, 2, 3, 4] * u.micron)

You can add this spectrum to the glue data collection (which we refer to as dc here) as follows:

>>> dc['myspectrum'] = spec

The spectrum will be auto-converted to a glue data object. Note that accessing this object in the data collection will return a glue data object:

>>> dc['myspectrum']
Data (label: myspectrum)

To get back a Spectrum1D object, you can do:

>>> dc['myspectrum'].get_object()
<Spectrum1D(flux=<Quantity [0.2, 0.3, 2.2, 0.3] Jy>, spectral_axis=<Quantity [1., 2., 3., 4.] micron>)>

If you are working with glue data objects that were not initially created from Spectrum1D, you can still convert them to this class by explicitly specifying it with the cls= argument:

>>> dc['myspectrum'].get_object(cls=Spectrum1D)
<Spectrum1D(flux=<Quantity [0.2, 0.3, 2.2, 0.3] Jy>, spectral_axis=<Quantity [1., 2., 3., 4.] micron>)>

It is also possible to convert subsets created in glue to e.g. Spectrum1D objects. Subsets are usually created by selecting values in viewers, but for the purposes of this example, we can create a simple subset programmatically (see LINK for more details on how to do this):

>>> dc.new_subset_group(subset_state=dc['myspectrum'].id['flux'] > 1,
...                     label='Signal')  

Now that the subset exists, we can extract the subset for the spectrum using:

>>> spec_subset = dc['myspectrum'].get_subset_object()

The result is a Spectrum1D object that has the mask set to indicate values that are part of the subset, and has flux values set to NaN outside of the subset:

>>> spec_subset
<Spectrum1D(flux=<Quantity [nan, nan, 2.2, nan] Jy>, spectral_axis=<Quantity [1., 2., 3., 4.] micron>)>
>>> spec_subset.mask
array([False, False,  True, False])

Note that the get_subset_object() method is used to get a data object with the subset of values from a given glue subset - if instead you are interested in getting a representation of the selection (in the above case it would be the idea that the selection is ‘flux > 1’ rather than the actual values that match that selection), you should take a look at the Selection information section.

Selection information

As seen in the previous section, we can convert glue data objects and subsets from/to Astropy data container classes such as Spectrum1D. However, in some cases you may want to access the abstract selection information rather than the actual data values that are in a subset. The Astropy project includes a package called regions that provides a way to represent regions of interet, and the glue-astronomy plugin makes it easy to convert selections from glue to Astropy regions.

To illustrate this, we start from a CCDData object and use the infrastructure shown in Datasets and subsets to add this to a glue data collection:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from astropy import units as u
>>> from astropy.nddata import CCDData
>>> image = CCDData(np.random.random((128, 128)) * u.Jy)
>>> dc['myimage'] = image

Let’s now assume that you define a rectangular selection graphically. We can also do this programmatically but it is more complicated:

>>> from glue.core.roi import RectangularROI
>>> from glue.core.subset import RoiSubsetState
>>> subset_state = RoiSubsetState(dc['myimage'].pixel_component_ids[1],
...                               dc['myimage'].pixel_component_ids[0],
...                               RectangularROI(1, 3.5, -0.2, 3.3))
>>> dc.new_subset_group(subset_state=subset_state, label='Rectangular selection')  

We can then use the get_selection_definition() method to retrieve the selection as an Astropy RectanglePixelRegion object:

>>> dc['myimage'].get_selection_definition(format='astropy-regions')  
<RectanglePixelRegion(center=PixCoord(x=2.25, y=1.55), width=2.5, height=3.5, angle=0.0 deg)>

If multiple selections/subsets are present, you can specify which one to retrieve either by index:

>>> dc['myimage'].get_selection_definition(format='astropy-regions',
...                                        subset_id=0)  
<RectanglePixelRegion(center=PixCoord(x=2.25, y=1.55), width=2.5, height=3.5, angle=0.0 deg)>

or by name:

>>> dc['myimage'].get_selection_definition(format='astropy-regions',
...                                        subset_id='Rectangular selection')  
<RectanglePixelRegion(center=PixCoord(x=2.25, y=1.55), width=2.5, height=3.5, angle=0.0 deg)>

Note that not all selections in glue can necessarily be represented by Astropy regions - for example, if we define a subset based on the flux values in the image:

>>> dc.new_subset_group(subset_state=dc['myimage'].id['data'] > 0.5,
...                     label='Flux-based selection')  

this selection cannot be translated to an Astropy region:

>>> dc['myimage'].get_selection_definition(format='astropy-regions',
...                                        subset_id='Flux-based selection')
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotImplementedError: Subset states of type InequalitySubsetState are not supported